February 2021 - Something to show kindness

February 2021 - 
What is something you plan on doing this month to show kindness to someone you know or don't know? 

Anonymous - Pray for them. God is Good... all the time.. God is Good

Rosa - I already do this, random acts of kindness, for "too much is given, much is required. God took my desires away." Etholism. 
Buy a homeless warm food today. 

Rebeca - Take a coworker to lunch or buy lunch. 

Anonymous - My mother and I have been giving food and water to the homeless and helping people we see on the side of the road. 

Anonymous - Be helpful

Anonymous - Keep visiting a lady who is 98 years old and visit with my sister more often.

Autumn - Giving my family a gift for Valentine's Day. 

Anonymous - Help more with grandparents. 

Mateo - Pray

Onnapria - Spread the love!

Cassandra - Buying my grandmother new furniture. 

Gale - Help my Aunt buy a used refrigerator, pitch in half and half

Teleha - I can help babysit my brother and sister. 

Anonymous - Help someone who needs help

Anonymous - I have all month long of feeding and getting firewood for elders.

Tyrell - Paying for someone's meal or drink. 

Anonymous - Give compliments


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